I’ve had lots of ideas bubbling around in my head recently. I’ve been thinking about setting up a MythTV box, because that piece of software is starting to look really sweet.
I’ve been a big fan of tivo forever, but all the added functionality of MythTV just keeps pushing me in the way of wanting to use it instead of the tivo.
Particularly, I like the fact that it can
- Display RSS feeds
- Play emulated ROMs
- Give you weather
- Play any content you already have on your PC (eg divx movies)
- MythPhone — videoconferencing, how cool.
Also, aside from Myth, I am constantly blown away by the amount of innovation that’s going on — SOAP, RSS, Podcasting, the amount of influence blogs have, it’s just amazing. I’d like to write an essay on where I think we’re going to be in a couple years. Hopefully I’ll at least get around to writing a mini-essay soon.